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Kristan Curren Sampson  |  PR

Nikki Donnelly  |  Board Member

April 1, 2022


“Sibs in Media” 

Keynote speaker Michael Kutcher, along with actors, filmmakers and writers discuss how they are using media to share the bond they have with their sister(s)/brothers(s) with intellectual and developmental disabilities


On National Siblings Day, April 10, California Sibs (a community for adult siblings of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in California) will gather online to share their personal experiences with their siblings, how their siblings have contributed to their lives, and how they use media to highlight their unique sibling relationships in films, on stage, podcasts, social media, television and news. The event’s keynote is Michael Kutcher, a disability and organ transplant advocate who will talk about how his sibling relationships supported him in overcoming barriers and living with hope and appreciation. Guests Brian Donovan, Diana Pastora Carson, Sheena Brevig, Ann Talman and Elizabeth Espinosa will talk about their experiences as filmmakers, actors, podcasters, journalists, and advocates, and personally about their lives as siblings of people with disabilities. 


Adult siblings often become the successor caregiver for their brother or sister with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As their relationship evolves to include caregiving, guardianship and supported decision-making, the siblings need support, guidance and community. The California Sibling Leadership Network aims to bring resources and build community, helping Sibs know they are not alone in their lifelong commitment to their family members.


Register now for access to streaming media from April 2 to 10, and secure entry to the speaking event on April 10th at 2 p.m. Pacific. The event will kick-off on April 2nd at 10 a.m. PT with a workshop  “Intro to Sibs” which will provide information for siblings to better understand themselves and provide parents with ideas to support their non-disabled children.


Register for this free virtual event at


This event is free and open nationwide; however donations are appreciated to help the all-volunteer, non-profit organization work to understand and support siblings' needs, including the research and development of programs to navigate public and private resources available to siblings with disabilities. Donate | The California Sibling Leadership Network  (

California Sibs’ event is sponsored by the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD),  MI Sibs, DC Sibs, Supporting Illinois Brothers & Sisters, and the Sibling Leadership Network. 

CaliforniaSibs National Sibling Day
"Sibs in Media" Event Page

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